If you have had any kind of previous PMU, regardless of how old or faded you believe it to be, you MUST submit a photo. Photos must be clear and taken with out any makeup or filter. If your previous PMU is approved, you will be considered a New Client and will get booked for an Initial Session, not a Touch-Up.
Do not use lash growth serum two weeks before or after procedure. False lashes and contacts will need to be removed. Wear glasses or bring contact case. If you have had any kind of previous PMU, regardless of how old or faded you believe it to be, you MUST submit a photo. Photos must be clear and taken with out any makeup or filter. If your previous PMU is approved, you will be considered a New Client and will get booked for an Initial Session, not a Touch-Up.
This procedure is completed in two sessions with second session following 6-8 weeks after initial session. After lips are done, the immediate look is not the final color end result. Lips appear much brighter and vibrant than healed results will be. You can expect lips to heal 50% lighter. Healing takes 4-7 days, but varies from client to client depending on skin type. Swelling subsides in 24-48 hours. Bruising is minimal to none. If you have had any kind of previous PMU, regardless of how old or faded you believe it to be, you MUST submit a photo when submitting your information. Photos must be clear and taken with out any makeup or filter. If your previous PMU is approved, you will be considered a New Client and will get booked for an Initial Session, not a Touch-Up. Consultation and second session included in initial cost.